REPORT: Survey of Community Based Organizations on the Island of La Gonave, Haiti
In 2024, Rasin Devlopman, Roots’ community-based partner on the island of La Gonave, Haiti, underwent a large-scale mapping process of community-based groups, associations, and organizations across the island. In total, they identified 485 groups across all 11 communal sections of the island.
These groups represent more than 24,000 residents of La Gonave, over 25% of the total population. Group membership averages just over 65% female, with 15% of groups specifically for women. 73% of groups say they need training in order to grow, and 78% say they need financial support.
Map of Identified Groups
Click on the dots below to explore the groups mapped by the Rasin Devlopman team.
Locations are approximated based on coordinates provided by survey respondents.
Map is best used on desktop/laptop computer.
Location: Anba Pò & Anwa Pò
- Asosiyasyon Pechè Pwent Latanye (Agriculture)
- Asosiyasyon Moun Vilaj yo pou Epay ak Kredi (Microfinance)
- Pye Bwa Lavi (Microfinance)
- Sere pou Chofe (Microfinance)
Location: Mitan Pò
- Association des Jeunes du Centre de l'Église Wesleyenne de Pointe Latanier (Microfinance)
- Mityèl Solidarite (Microfinance)
- Tèt Ansanm (Microfinance)
Location: Tèt Pò
- Pyebwa Lavi (Microfinance)
- Sere pou Chofe (Microfinance)
Location: Pointe Latanier
- An nou Viv (Microfinance)
- Espoir pour Demain (Microfinance)
- Men nan Men (Microfinance)
Location: Kafou Zabèt
- Ansanm Nou Fò (Microfinance)
Location: La Sous
- Chanjman pou Demen (Microfinance)
Location: Sou Gazon
- Asosiyasyon Pechè Lasous (Agriculture)
- Chache Lavi (Microfinance)
- Lite pou Chanjman (Microfinance)
- Men nan Men (Microfinance)
- Tipa-Tipa (Microfinance)
Location: Mòn Men Tò
- Nap Lite (Microfinance)
Location: Zèbable
- Travay pou Chanjman (Microfinance)
Location: Plèn Lasous
- Union Fait la Force(Microfinance)
Location: Nan Chalòt
- Zantray Peyizan (Microfinance)
Location: Anba Limyè
- Viv Ansanm (Microfinance)
- Asosiyasyon Jenès ak Peyizan pou Pwogrè ak Espwa Lagonav (Microfinance)
Location: Ba limyè
- Asosiyasyon Jèn Pou Devlopman ak Espwa Lagonav (Community Development)
Location: Bwa Lyann
- Asosiyasyon Fanm (Microfinance)
- Kris Kapab (Microfinance)
Location: Chen Kontan
- Lakay An Aksyon (Community Development)
- Fanm Vanyan (Microfinance)
- Association des Jeunes Pour le Développement Chien Content La Gonâve Haïti (Community Development)
Location: Doglas
- Association Des Jeunes Pour Le Développement De Doglas (Microfinance)
- Men Nan Men (Community Development)
- Asosiyasyon Kominitè Doglas (Human Rights)
Location: Bwa Chandèl
- Men Kontre (Microfinance)
Location: Bwa Brile
- Asosiyasyon Moun nan vilaj pou epay ak kredi (Microfinance)
- Men Ansanm (Microfinance)
- Rezo Sivivan (Human Rights)
- Union (Microfinance)
Location: Dòval
- Òganizasyon Jèn Dòvalyen An Aksyon Pou Devlopman Sosyo Ekonomik La Gonav (Community Development)
- Komite Ankadreman Timoun (Human Rights)
Location: Fon Pousyè
- Edikasyon Sosyal Komantim (Microfinance)
- Komite Ankadreman Timoun (Human rights)
- Asosiyasyon Jèn Pou Avansman Fon Pousyè (Social and cultural)
- Espwa pou Demen (Microfinance)
Location: Grand Plèn
- Alliance Chrétienne (Microfinance)
Location: Kochon Mawon
- Chanjman (Microfinance)
Location: Makochon
- Ansanm Nou Fò (Microfinance)
Location: Mòn Chandèl
- Fondasyon Kominitè Kretyèn An Aksyon (Microfinance)
- Rezo Sivivan (Human Rights)
- Komite Ankadreman Timoun (Human Rights)
Location: Mòn Kòb
- Konbat Lamizè (Microfinance)
Location: Mòn Twoujak
- Twoujak An Aksyon (Microfinance)
Location: Nan Cholèt
- Fanm Vanyan (Microfinance)
Location: Nan Mango
- Tout Tivis (Microfinance)
- Brigad Sekirite (Security)
- Chache Lavi (Microfinance)
- Lite pou Chanjman (Microfinance)
Location: Nan Plim
- Tèt Ansanm (Microfinance)
- Komite Ankadreman Timoun (Human Rights)
- Komite Ankadreman Timoun (Human Rights)
- Men nan Men (Microfinance)
Location: Nan Repo
- Rezo Sivivan1 (Human Rights)
- Komite Ankadreman Timoun (Human Rights)
Location: Palma
- Ansanm Nou Fò (Microfinance)
- Men nan Men (Microfinance)
- Kris Kapab (Microfinance)
Location: Platon Mera
- Asosiyasyon Fanm Vanyan (Microfinance)
- Asosiyasyon Mouvman Vilaj Pou Epay Ak Kred (Microfinance)
Location: Platon Twou Jak
- Nap Lite (Microfinance)
- Komite Ankadreman Timoun (Human Rights)
Location: Pò Twou Jak
- Trou-Jacques en Action La Gonâve (Microfinance)
Location: Twou alo
- Asosiyasyon Pechè Twou alo (Agriculture)
Location: Wo Nouvèl Site
- Komite Ankadreman Timoun (Human Rights)
- Rezo Sivivan (Human Rights)
Location: Wochen Kontan
- Chéche Lavi (Microfinance)
Location: Boden
- Pe Za Pe (Microfinance)
- Asosiyasyon Pò Boden (Agriculture)
- Men nan Men (Microfinance)
Location: Gran Vid
- Tèt Ansanm Sere pou Demen (Microfinance)
- Pa Ret Chita (Microfinance)
Location: Kafou Simen
- Tèt Ansanm (Microfinance)
Location: Nan Fige
- Men nan Men (Microfinance)
- Chache Lavi (Microfinance)
Location: Nan Gayak
- Men nan Men (Microfinance)
Location: Nan Zoranj
- Map Lite (Microfinance)
- Ann Leve Kanpe (Microfinance)
- Ansanm Nou Fò (Microfinance)
Location: Palmis Tèt Kase
- Chache Lavi Palmis Tèt Kase (Microfinance)
Location: Pike Mebi
- Nap Lite an Kris (Microfinance)
- Men nan Men (Microfinance)
Location: Sous Platon
- Ansanm Ansanm Nap Vanse (Microfinance)
Location: Tamaren
- Tèt Ansanm (Microfinance)
- Òganizasyon Gonavyèn pou Devlopman Lokal (Community Development)
- Asosiyasyon Jèn nan Zoranj (Environment)
- Kole Zepol (Microfinance)
Location: Tifon
- Pasyans Tifon (Microfinance)
- Espwa pou Demen (Microfinance)
Location: Bètòti
- Aprann Jere (Microfinance)
- Siksè (Microfinance)
- Tèt Ansanm (Microfinance)
- Espwa (Microfinance)
- Ann Leve Kanpe (Microfinance)
- Ansanm Nap Vanse (Microfinance)
- Chache Lavi (Microfinance)
- Collection Samant'Art (Microfinance)
- Fanm Konba (Microfinance)
- Nap Swiv (Microfinance)
- Tchoule la mizè (Microfinance)
Location: Bwa Chèn
- Chache Lavi (Microfinance)
- Komite Ankadreman Timoun (Human Rights)
- Association Pour le Développement de Bois de Chaine (Microfinance)
- Rezo Sivivan (Microfinance)
Location: Bwa Dòm
- Komite Ankadreman Timoun (Human Rights)
Location: Dòmisil
- Jèn Travayè Peyizan (Microfinance)
- Konbat Lamizè (Microfinance)
Location: Fontina
- Aba Move Lavi (Microfinance)
- Aba Lamizè (Microfinance)
- Chache Lavi (Microfinance)
- Esperans (Microfinance)
Location: Fregad
- Twa pye Ti Chodyè (Microfinance)
- Lakay se lakay (Microfinance)
- Tet Ansanm (Microfinance)
Location: Masikren
- Avni Timoun (Human Rights)
- Kole Zepòl (Community Development)
- Union des Membres de l'Église du Nazaréen de Mare-Sucrin (Microfinance)
- Efò Pou Viv (Environment)
- Kwape La Mizè (Microfinance)
- Ann Lite Pou Chanjman (Environment)
Location: Nan batòl
- Asosiyasyon Devlopman Lil Lagonav (Human Rights)
- Kris Kapab (Microfinance)
- Asosiyasyon kominote nan batòl (Human Rights)
- Transparans (Microfinance)
- Kominte ankadrman timoun (Human Rights)
Location: Nan Bwalèt
- Gwoupman Peyizan (Microfinance)
Location: Nan Kann
- Chache Lavi (Microfinance)
- Gwoup Legliz de Dye Nouvèl Alyans (Microfinance)
Location: Nan Plim
- Lite pou chanjman (Microfinance)
- Leve Kanpe (Microfinance)
- Konbat lamizè (Microfinance)
Location: Nan Twonpèt
- Mityel solidarite kwayans (Microfinance)
- Gwoup Biznis Sosyal (Microfinance)
- Lite pou chanjman (Microfinance)
Location: Platon Yeye
- Association des Jeunes du Développement de Platon Yeye (Infrastructure)
- Comité Des Travailleurs Engagés Pour l'Avancement Du Pays (Infrastructure)
- Gwoup Nouvo (Microfinance)
- Gwoupman Peyizan an Aksyon (Infrastructure)
- Mouvman Pèp Kap Lite Platon Yeye (Microfinance)
- Platon Yeye Leve Kanpe (Microfinance)
Location: Sou Chapèl
- Ann nou Fè (Microfinance)
- Inyon (Microfinance)
Location: Sou Chapèl
- Zanmi Devlopman (Microfinance)
Location: Ti Kotlèt
- Association des jeunes pour le développement de l'île de la Gonâve (Microfinance)
Location: Zèb Ginen
- Komite Ankadreman Timoun (Human Rights)
- Ann Leve Kanpe Pou Tisous Avanse (Microfinance)
- Rezo Sivivan (Human Rights)
- Saw Genyen (Microfinance)
Location: Wesleyèn
- Konbat Lamizè (Microfinance)
Location: Wesleyèn
- Men Ansanm Nou Ka Fèl (Infrastructure)
- Jenès pèleren (Community Development)
- Espwa pou demen (Microfinance)
Location: Ba Salin
- Onètete (Microfinance)
- Akolad Tèt Ansanm (Microfinance)
Location: Deyè-Ma
- Sere Pou Chofe (Microfinance)
Location: Grann Sous
- Tèt Ansanm (Microfinance)
- Viv Ansanm (Microfinance)
- Federasyon Òganizasyon LaGonav (Community Development)
- Chanje Lav (Microfinance)
- Men Nan Men (Microfinance)
Location: Kafou Annora
- Nap Lite (Microfinance)
Location: Lapyè
- Rezo Sivivan (Human Rights)
- Rassemblement Des Leaders Pour Le Développement De La Pierre (Microfinance)
- Fanmi Lewons Kantav (Microfinance)
Location: Matènwa
- Gwoup Biznis Sosyal (Microfinance)
- Asosiyasyon Jenès Matènwa Pou Devlopman (Human Rights)
- Asosiyasyon Jenès Matènwa pou Devlopman (Human Rights)
- Men nan Men pou nou Avanse (Microfinance)
- Zanmi Latè (Agriculture)
Location: Nan Fòg
- Mityèl Solidarite Tèt Ansanm (Microfinance)
Location: Nan Gravra
- Mityèl Solidarite Dye Se Bousòl Mwen (Microfinance)
- Mityèl Solidarite Tèt Ansanm Avèk Dye Nou gen Espwa (Microfinance)
- Espwa pou Demen (Microfinance)
- Mityèl Solidarite Men Ansanm (Microfinance)
- Espwa pou Demen (Microfinance)
Location: Nan Kafe
- Ansanm Nou Prale (Micro Finance)
Location: Nan Kann
- Chanje Lavi (Micro Finance)
Location: Nan Plim
- Sere pou Demen (Micro Finance)
Location: Nan Riske
- Sivivan Restavèk (Microfinance)
- Sere Pou Chofe (Microfinance)
- Gwoup Ansanm Ansanm na Rive (Microfinance)
- Soulaje (Microfinance)
- Gwoupman Peyizan Pou Devlopman Grann-Sous Lagonav (Microfinance)
Location: Nan Tèwouj
- Asosiyasyon Animatè Peyizan Lagonav (Microfinance)
Location: Nan Tèwouj
- Men Nan Men (Microfinance)
Location: Plèn Mapou
- Lavi ka Bèl (Microfinance)
- Komite Ankadreman Timoun (Human Rights)
- Viv Ansanm (Microfinance)
- Espwa Pou Demen (Microfinance)
Location: Pò Zetwa
- Lagonav Legasi (Environment)
- Pwojè Lakay (Community Development)
- Asosiyasyon Pechè Zetwa (Agriculture)
- Asosiyasyon Fanm Zetwa (Agriculture)
- Fédération Gonâvienne des Pécheurs et Artisant des Pécheurs (Agriculture)
Location: Site Milyonè
- Ede Pèp (Microfinance)
Location: Tè Blanch
- Ansanm N'ap Vire (Microfinance)
Location: Tè Plat
- Komite Ankadreman Timoun (Human Rights)
- Patience (Microfinance)
- Konbatan (Microfinance)
- Inyon (Microfinance)
Location: Tè Wouj
- Asirans pou Demen (Microfinance)
- Aksyon Fanm Vanyan Ayiti (Microfinance)
- Gwoup Biznis Sosyal (Microfinance)
- Asosiyasyon Kominitè Peyizan Lagonav (Microfinance)
Location: Zèb Ginen
- Brase Lide (Microfinance)
- Kris Kapab (Microfinance)
Location: Dan Griyen
- Tèt Ansanm pou yon Lòt Lagonav (Health)
- Mityèl Solidarite Kontre Men pou Kwape Mizè (Microfinance)
- Kole Zepòl (Infrastructure)
- Ebèdè Lagonav (Community Development)
Location: Dèyè Fò
- Nap Konbat (Microfinance)
Location: Mòn Twou Lwi
- Men nan Men (Microfinance)
Location: Nan Kayimit
- Asosiyasyon Mòn Twoulwi (Microfinance)
Location: Pò Debalèn Sid
- Union des Associations de Pécheurs (Agriculture)
- Mityèl Solidarite (Microfinance)
Location: Pò Silvès
- Lave Pyew (Microfinance)
Location: Pò Twou Lwi
- Ansanm nou Fò (Microfinance)
- Ansanm Ansanm nap Mache (Microfinance)
- Chita pa Bay (Microfinance)
Location: Pò Twou Lwi
- PazaPa (Microfinance)
- Eksperyans (Microfinance)
Location: Sou Plèn
- Men nan Men (Microfinance)
- Nap Lite TipaTipa (Microfinance)
- Nap Fè Efò (Microfinance)
- Fanm Vanyan (Microfinance)
Location: Sous a Filip
- Bank Kominotè (Microfinance)
- Asosiyasyon Pechè Sousafilip (Agriculture)
Location: Tetus
- Gwoup Biznis Sosyal Tèt a Tèt (Microfinance)
Location: Ti Kalbas
- Tèt Ansanm (Microfinance)
Location: Aba Fige
- Nap Lite pou Demen (Microfinance)
Location: Anba Limyè
- Ann Travay Pou Demen (Microfinance)
Location: Anwo Biwo
- Gwoup Biznis Sosyal (Microfinance)
Location: Anwo Teras
- Vizyon Kominitè (Microfinance)
Location: Ba Salin
- Komite Pwoteksyon Timoun (Human Rights)
- Komite Ankadreman Timoun (Human Rights)
- Tipa (Microfinance)
Location: Ba Teras
- Gwoup Biznis Sosyal (Microfinance)
Location: Bwa Brile
- Komantim Solèy Bwa Brile (Human Rights)
Location: Cherisab
- Gwoup Biznis Sosyal (Microfinance)
Location: Deryè Wòch
- Ansanm Nou Fò (Microfinance)
Location: Doub Salin
- Tèt Ansanm (Microfinance)
Location: Fonèg
- TEAM Ebenezer (Microfinance)
Location: Gran Lagon
- Gwoup Biznis Sosyal (Microfinance)
Location: Kafou Bèbèl
- Tèt Ansanm (Microfinance)
Location: Lagayèn
- Association des Pécheurs la Gonâve (Agriculture)
- Asosiyasyon Vwazinaj pou Epay ak Kredi (Microfinance)
- Rezo Sivivan (Human Rights)
- Komite Ankadreman Timoun (Human Rights)
Location: Lagayèn
- Mityèl HA 0867 (Microfinance)
- Tèt Ansanm (Microfinance)
- Union des Frères (Microfinance)
- Mityèl HA0867 (Microfinance)
Location: Mitan Bwa Brile
- Avèk Solèy Bwa Brile (Microfinance)
- Mityèl Wesleyèn (Microfinance)
Location: Mon repo
- Gwoup Biznis Sosyal (Microfinance)
- Mityèl Solidarite Mon Repos (Microfinance)
- Chache Lavi (Microfinance)
Location: Nan diklo
- Ann Avanse pou Demen (Human Rights)
- Asosiyasyon Vilajwa pou Epay ak Kredi (Microfinance)
Location: Nan ifen
- Komite Ankadreman Timoun (Human Rights)
- Mouvement Gonâvien pour le Développement Social (Microfinance)
Location: Nan Lebren
- Tipa (Microfinance)
Location: Nan Pikan
- Ann Mete Men (Microfinance)
- Les Unis en Action (Environment)
Location: Nan Plim
- Tèt Ansanm (Microfinance)
- Chache Lavi (Microfinance)
- Ann Lite (Microfinance)
Location: Nan Tida
- Mityèl Primitiv Bwa Brile (Microfinance)
Location: Nan Tidlo
- Tèt Ansanm Pou n Avanse (Microfinance)
Location: Nan Zèb
- Sivivan (Human Rights)
- Lite Pou Kris (Microfinance)
- Komite Ankadreman Timoun (Human Rights)
Location: Sitadèl
- Men nan Men (Microfinance)
Location: Sou Fò
- Chache Lavi (Microfinance)
- Sivivan Restavèk (Human Rights)
Location: Sou Mache Caléon
- Ansanm Nou Fò (Microfinance)
Location: Tè Fann
- Limyè Lavi (Microfinance)
- Décidé (Microfinance)
- Association des Frères et Sœurs (Microfinance)
Location: Ti Koma
- Tèt Ansanm (Microfinance)
- Men nan Men (Microfinance)
- Sivivan Restavèk (Human Rights)
Location: Ti Palmis
- Tipa (Microfinance)
Location: Ti Wòch
- Komite Pwoteksyon Timoun (Human Rights)
- Komite Ankadreman Timoun (Human Rights)
Location: Vye Baryè
- L'Union (Microfinance)
- Komite Ankadreman Timoun (Human Rights)
Location: Zabriko
- Asirans pou Demen (Microfinance)
- Association Villageoise d'Épargne et de Crédit (Microfinance)
- Lagon (Microfinance)
- Mityèl Solidarite (Microfinance)
Location: Anba Fige
- Asosiyasyon Jezi Sèl Anba Fige (Microfinance)
Location: Ba Lapalmis
- Florizon An Aksyon (Microfinance)
- Gwoup Biznis Sosyal Men Kontre (Microfinance)
Location: Boukan Dubre
- Asosiyasyon Peche Boukan Dubre (Agriculture)
Location: Bwapen
- Gwoupman Devlopman Bwapen (Microfinance)
Location: Gran Chemen
- Group Biznis Sosyal Devre (Microfinance)
- Gwoup Biznis Sosyal Lite pou Chanje (Microfinance)
- Gwoup Tèt Ansanm Gran chemen (Microfinance)
Location: Kafou Sovè
- Asosyasyon Zòn Twoubigay I (Microfinance)
Location: Kalaba
- Konbit Fanm pou Konbat Lamizè (Agriculture)
Location: La Palmis
- Mityèl Misyon Sentete Nouvel Jerizalèm (Microfinance)
- Lite pou Lavi (Microfinance)
- Chanje Lavi (Microfinance)
- Ti Pa (Microfinance)
- Misyon Solidarite Devlopman Ekonomik Lapalmis (Microfinance)
Location: Lotore
- Gwoup Biznis Sosyal Linyon (Microfinance)
- Asosiyasyon Gwoupman Peyizan pou Devlopman Lotore (Microfinance)
Location: Marikaj
- Marikaj An Aksyon (Microfinance)
Location: Mòn Chelòt
- BAKOFA #4 (Microfinance)
Location: Morne Ramier
- Bakogamon (Microfinance)
Location: Nan Anbamòn
- Mityèl Solidarite (Microfinance)
- Organisation des Citoyens Pour le Développement de Lotore (Microfinance)
Location: Nan Bèlè
- Bèl Lavi pou nou Bouziyèt (Microfinance)
Location: Nan Kongo
- Men nan Men nan Kongo (Microfinance)
Location: Nan Maskreti
- Tèt Ansanm de Boziyèt (Microfinance)
Location: Nan Plim
- Mityèl Misyon Sentete de la Nouvel Jerizalèm (Microfinance)
- Gwoup Avansman Kominote Plezans (Microfinance)
- Lite pou Chanjman (Microfinance)
- Nou Vle Chanjman (Microfinance)
Location: Nan Sema
- Asosiyasyon Moun Vilaj yo nan Chapèl Sen Batèlmi (Microfinance)
Location: Nan Wòch
- Asosiyasyon Zòn Twou Bigay (Microfinance)
Location: Pèditan
- Pasyans (Microfinance)
- Chanjman (Microfinance)
Location: Plezans
- Òganizasyon Peyizan Lagonav Plezans (Microfinance)
- Gwoup Pasyans Plezans (Microfinance)
- Konbatan (Microfinance)
- Tèt Ansanm pou yon Nouvèl Plezans (Microfinance)
Location: Ri Fige
- Aksyon Fanm Vanyan Ayiti (Microfinance)
- Share Accountability Lending and Teaching (Microfinance)
Location: Rue Zaboka
- Nou pap fè Bak (Microfinance)
Location: Sou Mache
- Dam Legliz Wesleyen Lotore (Microfinance)
- Asosiyasyon Gonavyen pou Devlopman Aktif (Microfinance)
- Gwoup Fratènite sou Mache (Microfinance)
- Gwoup Biznis Sosyal Tèt Ansanm pou Chanjman (Microfinance)
- Gwoup Biznis Sosyal (Microfinance)
Location: Sou Mòn
- Shared Accountability Lending and Teaching (Microfinance)
Location: Tè Sèch
- Asosyasyon Vizyonè Gonavyen Avansman Progresif (Microfinance)
- Sove Lavi (Microfinance)
Location: Terre Sèche
- Association des Jeunes pour le Développement de la Zone Terre Sèche (Microfinance)
- Association des Paysans pour le Développement Économique de Terre Sèche (Microfinance)
Location: Tèt Ma
- Oganizasyon Relevman pou devlopman Lagonav (Microfinance)
Location: Ti Palmis
- Asosiyasyon moun Vilaj yo pou Epay ak Kredi Pawas Sent Lisi Tipalmis (Microfinance)
Location: Troussaint Jean
- Asosiyasyon Timoun ak Peyizan Lotore (Microfinance)
Location: Wo Dieulcé
- Mityèl Devlopman Pou Dieulcé (Microfinance)
- Asosyasyon Peyizan Dieulcé (Microfinance)
Location: Anba Kenèp
- Ann Leve Kanpe (Microfinance)
Location: Anba Mòn
- Tèt Ansanm (Microfinance)
Location: Anba Mòn
- Entè Legliz (Microfinance)
Location: Gwomang
- Asosiyasyon Animatè Peyizan Lagonav Gwomang (Community Development)
- Asosiyasyon Pechè Gwomang (Agriculture)
- Organisation des Jeunes Gros-Manglois en Action (Community Development)
- Union des Gonâviens pour l'Éducation et le Développement (Community Development)
Location: Mitan Pò
- Association Cellule Gédéon (Microfinance)
- Asosiyasyon Peyizan Gwomang pou Amelyore Lavi yo (Microfinance)
- Men nan Men (Microfinance)
Location: Nan Kajou
- Tèt Ansanm (Microfinance)
Location: Nan Tetus
- Reflechi de Nan Tetus (Microfinance)
Location: Platon Bale
- Mityèl Alfa pou Kredi (Microfinance)
Location: Sou Platon
- Ansanm Ansanm n'ap Vanse (Microfinance)
Location: Ti Boukan
- Chache Lavi (Microfinance)
Location: Twa Bèf
- Asosiyasyon Leve Kanpe de Gwomang (Microfinance)
Location: Twou Marasa
- Efò Plis (Microfinance)
- Fanm Solid (Microfinance)
- Gid Izrayèl de Kredi Twou Marasa (Microfinance)
- Les Combattants (Microfinance)
Location: City Center Pointe-a-Raquette
- Fidelite (Microfinance)
- Gwoup Biznis Sosyal (Microfinance)
- Asosiyasyon Pechè Pwentarakèt Gonav (Agriculture)
- Gwoup Biznis Sosyal (Microfinance)
- Help Micro Finance (Microfinance)
- Syndicat des Marins de la Gonâve (Agriculture)
- Tipa-Tipa (Microfinance)
Location: City Center (Anse-a-Galets)
- Association Villageoise d'Épargne et de Crédits (Microfinance)
- Gonâve Espoir de Demain (Microfinance)
- Ann Ede Sila ki pi Fèb yo (Community Development)
- Solidarite (Microfinance)
- Branch Rezo Sivivan Magazen (Human Rights)
- Gwoup Rezo Sivivan Magazen (Microfinance)
- Chanje Lavi (Microfinance)
- Kretyen An Aksyon pou Devlopman (Social and Cultural)
- Association du Secours aux Handicapés et Orphelins de la Gonâve (Human Rights)
- Tèt Ansanm (Microfinance)
- Fédération pour le Développement Social et Économique de l'Île de la Gonâve (Microfinance)
- Asosiyasyon Moun Vilaj pou Epay ak Kredi (Microfinance)
- Konfyans (Microfinance)
- Konbit Sitwayen pou n Sove LaGonav (Social and Cultural)
- Jenès Zye Kale (Social and Cultural)
- Branch Restavèk Sivivan Mònalo (Human Rights)
- Viv Ansanm (Microfinance)
- Association des Jeunes Actifs de la Première Section de la Gonâve (Social and Cultural)
- Syndicat des Marins de la Gonâve
Greater Good International (Infrastructure) - Organisation des Femmes Actives pour le Développement de l'Île de la Gonâve (Education)
- Organisation des Femmes Active pour le Développement de l'Île de la Gonâve (Human Rights)
- Gwoup Fanm Devwe (Microfinance)
- Organisation Gonâve Habitat Haïti (Infrastructure)
- Greater Good International (Education)
- Fondasyon Pwojè Jaden (Agriculture)
- Senserite (Microfinance)
Location: Bas Lumier
- Albatròs (Microfinance)
Location: Bwa Chandèl
- Men Kontre (Microfinance)
Location: Cochon Mawon
- Mouvement des Jeunes Combattants pour le Développement de la Gonâve (Microfinance)
- Asosiyasyon Sant Komèsyal laGonav (Microfinance)
- Viv Ansanm (Microfinance)
Location: Gran Boukan
- Òganizasyon Travayè pou Devlopman laGonav (Community Development)
Location: Nan Bois de Chêne
- Nap Lite Mòn Estasyon (Community Development)
Location: Nan PlimNan Plim
- Kris Kapab (Microfinance)
- Kris Vivan (Microfinance)
- Help Micro Finance (Microfinance)
Location: Nan Tirèn
- Chache Lavi Pou Demen (Community Development)
- Association des Jeunes Picmy pour le Développement de la Gonâve (Social and Cultural)
- Jezi Konnen Pikmi (Microfinance)
- Tèt Ansanm (Microfinance)
- Vizyon Pou Demen (Education)
- Rezo Edikasyon Pikmi (Education)
- Panse Pou Lakay (Agriculture)
Location: Pikmi mè
- TipaTipa (Community Development)
Location: Platon Balai
- Lakay Dabò (Environment)
- Lavi Timoun Yo (Microfinance)
Location: Pwent Sab
- Tèt Ansanm (Microfinance)
- Sivivan (Human Rights)
Location: Ti Boukan
- Avenir des Jeunes Picmy (Microfinance)
Location: Tirèn
- Asosiyasyon Jèn yo pou Devlopman laGonav (Community Development)
Location: Au Parc
- Vision des Citoyens pour une Gonâve Meilleure (Health)
Location: Kafou 16
- Mityèl Paran Fonplezi (Microfinance)
- Asosiyasyon Sant Komès laGonav (Microfinance)
- Pasyans (Microfinance)
- Nap Lite (Microfinance)
Location: Mapou Vilaj
- Asosiyasyon moun Vilaj pou Epay ak Kredi (Microfinance)
- Rezo Sivivan (Human Rights)
- Komite Ankadreman Timoun (Human Rights)
Location: Morne Augustin
- Asosiyasyon Sant Komès Lagonav (Microfinance)
Location: Nan 27
- Komite Ankadreman Timoun (Human Rights)
Location: Nan Bonbonyen
- Kris Kapab (Microfinance)
- Nap Lite pou Chanjman (Microfinance)
Location: Nan Divè
- Chache Lavi (Microfinance)
Location: Nan Letan
- Lite pou Chanjman (Microfinance)
Location: Nan Plim
- Kris Kapab (Microfinance)
- Kris Vivian (Microfinance)
Location: Nan Ti Chalmo
- Dieu est là (Microfinance)
Location: Nan Wòch
- Tipa (Microfinance)
- Ansanm Nou Fò (Microfinance)
Location: Petit Gonâve
- Association pour Sauver la Vie des Pécheurs de Petit Gonâve (Agriculture)
Location: Pò Titans
- La voix des Jeunes Pécheurs pour le Développement de Petit-Anse (Agriculture)
- Kris Vivan (Microfinanace)
- Dye Devan (Microfinance)
- Jenès An Aksyon (Microfinance)
- Titans Gen Mèt (Community Development)
Location: Sou Bèlè
- Association des Jeunes de Boucanlamarre pour l'épanouissement de la Gonâve (Community Development)
Location: Sou Teras
- Aprann Viv (Microfinance)
Location: Sou Wòch
- Devwe pou Kris (Microfinance)