What is Development without Dependency®?
Development without Dependency® is more than our tagline–it’s a philosophy. Because of poor practices in international development and aid work throughout the last several decades, many communities around the world have become dependent on aid handouts. We believe in practicing development that makes communities more self-sustaining and independent, so they can lead their own development.

How do we pursue Development without Dependency®?
Research and experience have proven that Community-Led Development (CLD) is one of the strongest approaches to development. Both because it creates sustainable change on the ground and long-term change in the mindset of those who participate, breaking the cycle of aid dependency.
There are already thousands of Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) around the world, leading community efforts and implementing effective development solutions, but they often lack the exposure they need to grow and expand their work. We help these organizations connect to potential funders and supporters, share best practices with other community-based organizations, and access resources and expertise to build their internal capacities.

What is Community-Led Development?
Definition from the Movement for Community-Led Development (MCLD): Community-Led Development (CLD) is a development approach in which local community members work together to identify goals that are important to them, develop and implement plans to achieve those goals, and create collaborative relationships internally and with external actors—all while building on community strengths and local leadership.
Roots of Development has been a member of MCLD since 2016.
Other Core Principles
Trust-Based Philanthropy
Trust-based philanthropy flips the script on traditional philanthropy. With a core set of values rooted in advancing equity, shifting power, and building mutually accountable relationships, trust-based philanthropy seeks to demonstrate humility and collaboration in what we do and how we show up in all aspects of our work as grantmakers. (Trust-Based Philanthropy Project)
Participatory Grantmaking
Participatory grantmaking encompasses a range of models, methods, challenges, and insights. At its core, this approach to funding cedes decision-making power about grants to the very communities impacted by funding decisions.