Matching Gift Campaign – June 2022

Matching Gift Campaign – June 2022

June 11, 2022

How can we help?

Those four words seem so simple, yet they’re so very powerful. In fact, they’re the foundation of how we approach our work.

You say them too. And for that I am deeply grateful.

Together, we’re empowering those who live in poverty to lead the fight against it. Today, I hope you’ll ask yourself, once again, “how can I help?” and find it within to make an additional investment that will go twice as far today.

A longtime friend and donor has stepped forward with an incredible offer to DOUBLE any donation you make, up to $10,000! We have so much more to do, and you can help today by continuing your strong support.

Your Impact

With each gift you make, you help sustainably improve quality of life in Haiti and help further development without dependency.

Instead of spending your money to put a temporary band-aid on a problem, you’re investing in people — providing them with the tools, training, skills, connections, enabling them to solve their own complex problems.

From building roads, providing access to clean water, and installing solar-powered streetlamps, you’ve enabled entire communities to better withstand the next hurricane or earthquake and break free of dependency aid.

I’m sure you agree projects like the ones mentioned above — which the communities we work with choose and manage themselves — are worthy of and deserve support, as they bring about change and further development without dependency.

So, what’s next? Our roots in Haiti are strong and growing deeper. Now, our goal is to take the lessons learned, develop best practices that can be replicated, and share them with other communities across Haiti and beyond.

Your generous donation — doubled today — is building a movement for development without dependency. I hope you feel great knowing you’re not just donating; you’re changing lives today and well into the future.


Chad W. Bissonnette
Executive Director

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